Do you feel as though your emotions are running your life? Do you get caught up in the drama of the daily news or the drama in your own life? With so many changes happening in our lives, it’s no wonder emotions can be running hot and cold, up and down like a wild roller coaster ride. If this sounds familiar I want you to know that their is hope and a light at the end of the tunnel. You can end the emotional roller coast ride, get rid of the stress and live a happier and healthier life. As …CONTINUE READING HERE: Healing Emotional Turbulence
When you have an illness or an injury, where do you focus most if not all of your attention. If you’re like most people you immediately focus all of your attention on the illness and the physical cause. That makes sense and is appropriate, yet… The real question is, how long do you focus on that illness or cause? A while back, I injured my right eye and was in significant pain. I wear contacts, which I immediately took out, used Eye Wash and Eye Drops and then went to bed. As I fell asleep I was focused on the …CONTINUE READING HERE: Is Your Focus on Healing or the Pain?
Have you ever wondered if it is possible to healing anything? From my experience so far, it is absolutely possible. The minute you ask that question though, you already are placing some doubt about your ability to heal. The right question is not is it possible, but instead I recommend that you ask this question everyday of your healing journey until you are restored to complete health… What step can I take today, that will bring my body, mind and spirit into total and complete health? Each day, ask that question before you get out of bed. Then pay attention …CONTINUE READING HERE: Tips for Healing Anything
When I first heard the name of this organization, I wasn’t very comfortable with it. If you know me at all, I’m always looking for positive ways to say something and the idea of claiming to be afflicted just didn’t make sense for me. Then I looked closer at the organizations by-line and realized that it was the perfect name. Their by-line is: There’s Only One You! I met the organizations’ co-founders at a recent Body, Mind, Spirit Expo and was so excited about their message of hope for everyone, with a particular focus on kids and veterans. They inspired …CONTINUE READING HERE: Perfectly Afflicted
If you are like most people you over indulged during the holidays and figured you’d be able to easily take off those extra pounds in the new year. I remember those days oh so well, myself. With two weeks behind us in the New Year, if you are like most of people, the New Years resolutions have started to take a back seat to your busy days and you keep thinking tomorrow I’ll start that new diet or exercise program. But tomorrow never seems to come. Sound familiar? Diet and Exercise Alone Don’t Work The problem is that weight loss …CONTINUE READING HERE: How to Shed Extra Pounds Permanently
What’s on your Christmas list? Is it the latest iPhone? Large screen TV? Or maybe simply a white Christmas with friends and family sharing a meal as the brightly decked tree sparkles & glows near a warm crackling fire in the fireplace? One thing for sure though it’s not water you are dreaming about this Holiday! Ah, but yes Virginia, there is someone out there that is dreaming of just that and she lives right here in the good ole U.S.A. But wait! There’s more…this young lady is not dreaming about water for herself, she gets that from her …CONTINUE READING HERE: All She Wants for Christmas…
Earlier this year I was given the gift of being able to visit with the beautiful lakefront home, of my friends Misa Hopkins and Jeff Burger, located just outside of Charlottesville, VA. I met many of their friends, went into town several times and walked the streets of beautiful Charlottesville and even visited some of the beautiful monuments of times gone by. So, when things turned horribly wrong on August 12th of this year, it was personal to me. It brought tears to my eyes and an ache in my heart. I couldn’t even imagine how Misa and Jeff were …CONTINUE READING HERE: Streets of Charlottesville
Whether you are trying to manifest your dreams or are doing energy healing for physical ailments, if you aren’t getting the results you want this missing piece is always the cause. Yes, clearing and balancing your chakras, doing emotional healing, changing your beliefs, changing your diet and even visualization are all important, but on their own you will not get permanent results. Faith The piece that is missing is your belief that healing or manifesting your desire is possible. Belief though by itself is still not enough to get the energy healing results you are looking for if there are …CONTINUE READING HERE: The Missing Piece for Energy Healing to Work!
Does Your Mindset Support Your Beliefs? We have a lot of sayings that we repeat through life. Some of them we can easily recognize as beliefs that are creating our reality, while others don’t seem to be creating our reality, at least initially. Sometimes, you have to be willing to look more deeply into your mindset to discover that you are creating your reality based on your unconscious actions related to that mindset. Said another way, it’s the beliefs you are unconcsiously living by that are forming your reality. Recently, someone asked me… I believe that, what goes around …CONTINUE READING HERE: What Goes Around Comes Around, Really?
Do guilt, shame and regrets rule your life? Most of us are brought up being told that we are bad, not good enough, worthless, useless and we grow to believe these things about ourselves. As we grow up and become adults, these beliefs continue to manifest in our lives, as we condemn our actions. Yet the truth is most of the things we judge ourselves for, the things we feel guilty about are no where near as big as we have built them up to be in our minds. Many years ago, I was sharing with a friend how guilty …CONTINUE READING HERE: Learning to Let Go of Guilt & Regrets
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