Streets of Charlottesville

Earlier this year I was given the gift of being able to visit with the beautiful lakefront home, of my friends Misa Hopkins and Jeff Burger, located just outside of Charlottesville, VA. I met many of their friends, went into town several times and walked the streets of beautiful Charlottesville and even visited some of the beautiful monuments of times gone by. So, when things turned horribly wrong on August 12th of this year, it was personal to me. It brought tears to my eyes and an ache in my heart. I couldn’t even imagine how Misa and Jeff were …CONTINUE READING HERE: Streets of Charlottesville

Overcoming Anxiety & Stress

Do you find yourself suffering from anxiety and stress? If so, you are not alone… According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIH)… The average onset age of anxiety is 11 years old Anxiety is prevalent annually in more than 18% of the US population Women are 60% more likely to suffer from anxiety than men Black people are 20% less likely to suffer from anxiety than white people Hispanic people are 30% less likely to suffer from anxiety than white people The thing is that those numbers represent only the people whose stress and anxiety has been diagnosed …CONTINUE READING HERE: Overcoming Anxiety & Stress

International Day of Peace

As a reminder of the importance of creating Peace, people come together every year for the International Day of Peace. That’s a start, yet real peace doesn’t just happen one day per year. Real peace happens by finding peace within and then practicing being more peaceful, loving and supportive, of yourself. Once you have become more peaceful within, you’ll discover how much more peaceful the people are that you attract. Let’s join together and make a commitment to practice peace everyday, and change the world, one person at a time. I hope that you enjoy this video that shares several …CONTINUE READING HERE: International Day of Peace