What You Put Your Attention on is What You Create We’ve all heard that what we focus on is what we create. So why is it that it seems that more people today are focused on negative news than ever before. Some of my most spiritual friends are suddenly mentioning negative events that have happened. In fact, it seems that although I stopped watching the news or reading news, over 20 years ago, that suddenly I am finding myself drawn into news because either my computer browser or my phone shows me stories, or a friend brings up the latest …CONTINUE READING HERE: How Your Spiritual Practice Can Change Your Life & the World
I chose the word “Fighting” in the title above very specifically. I believe it is important to stand-up for what we believe in and to work toward creating a more loving and positive world to live in. I believe it’s important for us to respect Mother Earth and our environment, and our resources for generations to come. With that being said, I also believe that it’s important to look carefully at how we go about doing this work we are here to do. Since the Presidential Election, I have seen more hatred and anger than I am accustomed to seeing …CONTINUE READING HERE: Is there Power in Fighting for What We Believe In?
When we listen to our inner guidance sometimes we are guided to do things that we think would be crazy to do. Why would we want to give up what feels secure? Well, having followed my inner guidance down many paths that most would feel were “Stupid” to do, I’ve ended up being blessed immensely. That being said, I have to wonder if I would have had the amount of faith this man had when he heard his calling. Would you have had the faith he had? Share some of the moments when you followed your inner guidance even though …CONTINUE READING HERE: Are You Willing to Follow Your Inner Guidance?
Would you step up and do what this man is being guided to do? How important is World Peace to you? Watch the below video to learn how you can help create peace in the world from the comfort of you home. The World Peace Symbol, is my gift to you! It can be used during this prayer / meditation with James and whenever you wish to have more inner peace and help create more peace in the world! Click here to print your copy! To join James and the million people around the world that believe …CONTINUE READING HERE: Syrian Peace Prayer
In part 1 of the Journey to Inner Peace I talked about how your energy is affected by negativity and I provided a video and exercise for you to do, so that you could learn to feel how your energy is being affected by the outside world, both positively and negatively. Today, I’m going to delve into some of the steps you can take to find inner peace. I asked Spirit… What is the fastest way for people to find more inner peace? Spirit Said… The first step to finding more inner peace is to notice the things around …CONTINUE READING HERE: Journey to Inner Peace – Part 2
I wanted to share my thoughts on finding Inner Peace, which in my opinion is the only way we can create World Peace. As many or you know, I rarely ever watch or read any news. My well meaning friends are on top of that and if they think I need to know about something, they keep me informed. So, hence the reason for my delay on what I am about to share. After the attack on February 13th in Paris, the French leader retaliated by bombing Syria, just 2 days later. As, I heard this news, I immediately began …CONTINUE READING HERE: Journey to Inner Peace – Part 1
Dear Elizabeth, In 2012, I read an article you wrote that was published in O Magazine. Your topic became a prompt during a writing bootcamp I was in last year. It caused a spark within me to ignite and has since burst into a flame atop a tall torch shining its guiding Light on a transforming path between my female ancestors and me, and beyond. It was “Mamisma!” THE writing prompt perfectly fitted to descend me into the past. To my surprise, however, it turned out to be a “calling” from my future! One thousand words spilled through the ink …CONTINUE READING HERE: Story 4. Dear Elizabeth Lesser…
I would like to ask a special favor from everyone who reads this. On the morning of July 9th, my Oldest Great Nephew, was killed in an auto accident in Michigan. Gregory Liphard was only 26 years old and had served our country in the Marines in two tours of duty in Afghanistan and suffered from PTSD. I ask that you pray for my niece and her husband as well as Greg’s siblings and extended family, as they prepare to lay him to rest. Your prayers are important to all of us to help us along our journey while …CONTINUE READING HERE: Prayer Request – Gregory
A while back I was in a frenzy of preparation to move across the country. I was living in Sedona, at the time, and received a message from a new friend that told me about this special man that gazes at people and sends love through his eyes. She suggested that experiencing his love was so important that I do whatever I could to attend the event, before I left Sedona. To be honest I was very busy and nearly dismissed the event, but spirit just kept nagging at me to be sure to attend. When I looked at the …CONTINUE READING HERE: Experience Deep Peace & Love
Voice Channeling Spirit is a miracle during this time of our human evolution. Why, you may ask? It’s true that communicating directly with our spiritual guidance, through the voice channeling process, is an innate ability within everyone. But many consider it a miracle or supernatural gift because they believe some people are born with it and some aren’t. I’ve taught voice channeling workshops for over a decade. You can imagine the shock people have when every attendee actually voice channels spirit. It is meant to be effortless. We are in the Age of the Soul, a time when the veil …CONTINUE READING HERE: The Miracle of Voice Channeling Spirit
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