Empowerment to Survive and Thrive with Cancer

Finding the perks to beat the odds with Florence Strang on TEDx St. Johns Imagine you’ve just been diagnosed with Stage 3 Cancer, you are divorced, have 3 children, and a full time career as a Psychologist to support your family. What Florence Strang has to share in the video below is nothing short of amazing. Her story, her outlook and her program co-created with experts in helping people Survive and Thrive after being diagnoses with cancer will give you hope, whether you’ve been diagnosed, with cancer or someone you love who has been. To sign up for your FREE …CONTINUE READING HERE: Empowerment to Survive and Thrive with Cancer

Yoga and the Bigger Picture

Marty Tita Tulum ..Tulum Mexico When I am ready to immerse myself in an hour of practicing yoga, I first sit in a lotus pose with my hands in prayer position over my heart. I then softly recite words out loud that I created a while back to help me slow down and connect to a higher power, gratitude and the blessing of being alive. Those words are, “I will do whatever you want me to do, for as long as you allow me to be in this body.” This is my way to come into a quiet, more humble …CONTINUE READING HERE: Yoga and the Bigger Picture

Five Ways To Watch Energy

By Catherine Carrigan, Amazon No. 1 best-selling author and medical intuitive healer www.catherinecarrigan.com It is sometimes difficult to explain to other people how I do a medical intuitive reading. One of the simplest things I do is simply to watch the energy of any situation. This morning, I was speaking briefly with a gentleman in another country who has been concerned about his liver to the point where he has prescribed himself several rather harsh liver cleanses. We are scheduled to have a full session on Thursday morning, but we were chatting briefly to arrange the schedule. I tuned in …CONTINUE READING HERE: Five Ways to Watch Energy

Seven Simple Exercises to Invite the Extraordinary Life

I can think of no greater encouragement than the self-evident Truth that there dwells in each of us the opportunity to explore and know the Extraordinary Life. The meaning of Extraordinary I wish to convey points to the immutable and inexhaustible source that is the secret center of each of us: a timeless resource open and available to anyone who would seek this Life that sits behind life as we know it. Will we spend our lives in mere dreams of winning a limitless life, or will we do the inner-work of awakening from this dream? Choosing the Extraordinary Life …CONTINUE READING HERE: Seven Simple Exercises to Invite the Extraordinary Life

Voice of America Interviews African PTSD Relief, May 7 2015

On May 7, Voice of America health reporter Linord Moudou from Ivory Coast gave a 6-minute review of post-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD. She explained the causes of this disorder, the symptoms of the problem and then showed clips of Congolese refugees explaining the horrible atrocities they had experienced that produced this condition. Dr. Rosenthal, psychiatrist and discovered of SAD, Seasonal Affective Disorder and published researcher on PTSD, explained the condition. Then David Shapiro, President of PTSD Relief Now and its African PTSD Relief projects, reviewed the research on a powerful approach to rapidly and sustainably and cost-effectively reduce this debilitating …CONTINUE READING HERE: Voice of America Interviews African PTSD Relief, May 7 2015

Inside the Medicine Bag: Tools for Awakening Consciousness

Abbreviated Excerpt from Spirit Recovery Medicine Bag: A Transformational Guide for Living, Happy, Joyous and Free By Lee McCormick and Mary Falkner, co-authors of Spirit Recovery Medicine Bag Spirit Recovery Medicine Bag by two seasoned experts, Lee McCormick and Mary Falkner, is a guide for finding the way back to one’s personal truth, authenticity and purpose by shedding the stories that we tell ourselves about our own lives–-using heart-opening methodologies.     Exercise1—Exploring Your HopesandDreams Write in a journal and share your answers: What do I long for? What does it feel like? What about life hooks my imagination? What …CONTINUE READING HERE: Inside the Medicine Bag: Tools for Awakening Consciousness

Have you ever known that you weren't supposed to do something...

…And then you did it anyway Maybe you just started a new exercise program and you were supposed to go to the gym, but instead you find yourself parked in the driveway thinking about how you’ll go tomorrow. Maybe you are committed to dropping 10 pounds and only seem to remember that commitment when you reach the bottom of that chocolate milkshake. What in the world compels us to act in complete opposition to our decisions? So many of us use our conscious mind to make a decision about something. We think, think, think about it. We focus on it …CONTINUE READING HERE: Have you ever known that you weren’t supposed to do something…

Meet Your Physician-within: 3 Ways to Access Your Dreams

  Have you met your Physician-within, yet? Set the intention to meet this important part of yourself tonight before going to sleep. Here are three steps to get you started:     Intention is the first step in manifesting information in your dreams. A simple request is all it takes. “I wish to meet my Physician-within in my dream tonight. If you are new at this experience and feel the need to truly ground this request, the second step is Write your intention on a piece of paper and place it under your pillow. This is one way to …CONTINUE READING HERE: Meet Your Physician-Within: 3 Ways to Access Your Dreams

Finding Your Inner Healer on Mind, Body & Soul TV

Enjoy my lively discussion with Steve Toth on Mind, Body & Soul TV. I’d love your comments and feedback too! Conscious Media TV

Taming Your Trauma Triggers

Kids love to tell secrets because “the” secret is like a bottle of liquid bubbles needing to be blown into the air, meant to dissipate and not contained for very long. As adults, many of us have held a secret, not lathered in liquid bubbles but a secret smothered in shame, blame and guilt. That’s the icky secret of sexual abuse and we’ve held it for way too long. I know this secret-keeping plight because I was a minor girl, being sexually abuse by my clergy, and I kept my mouth tight lipped and constantly worrying about what would happen …CONTINUE READING HERE: Taming Your Trauma Triggers