As a reminder of the importance of creating Peace, people come together every year for the International Day of Peace. That’s a start, yet real peace doesn’t just happen one day per year. Real peace happens by finding peace within and then practicing being more peaceful, loving and supportive, of yourself. Once you have become more peaceful within, you’ll discover how much more peaceful the people are that you attract. Let’s join together and make a commitment to practice peace everyday, and change the world, one person at a time. I hope that you enjoy this video that shares several …CONTINUE READING HERE: International Day of Peace
In commemoration of the people who lost their lives 15 years ago, I am reminded just how important it is for us to all heal our own wounds. To honor those who lost their life in the events of September 11, 2001 and the victims of terrorist attacks around the world, now is your chance to start the healing process. You see it takes each and every one of us to heal our own wounds to stop the hatred and begin to create more peace within. It’s easy to be angry with the people who commit these crimes and easy …CONTINUE READING HERE: United Healing
Throughout the ages, people have recognized that in the universal language of form, the circle spells unity, wholeness, and oneness. In a love-infused circle, layers of tension and fear melt away that we didn’t even know we were holding. At last we can simply be. Something deep within us that had closed down amidst life’s business now begins to unfurl. This sense of expansion brings relief, gratitude, wonder, and awe. Finally, we begin to hear the quiet voice of wisdom. Circlework, the practice I teach, is a spacious experience that includes time to connect both with ourselves and others. Movement, …CONTINUE READING HERE: Tapping the Healing Medicine of Circle Gatherings
Marty Tita Tulum ..Tulum Mexico When I am ready to immerse myself in an hour of practicing yoga, I first sit in a lotus pose with my hands in prayer position over my heart. I then softly recite words out loud that I created a while back to help me slow down and connect to a higher power, gratitude and the blessing of being alive. Those words are, “I will do whatever you want me to do, for as long as you allow me to be in this body.” This is my way to come into a quiet, more humble …CONTINUE READING HERE: Yoga and the Bigger Picture
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