Finding a Guru

Tips for Finding Your Guru I received an email the other day, from someone that many might be calling a “Guru”. This particular woman sends an email out regularly about Transmitting Light Energy to her followers for a fee. In this particular email she was actually offering Light Transmissions for Free at a location in her home town. I have nothing against healers and spiritual leaders transmitting energy or charging a fee, but when I know that the person is a con-artist who has literally ripped off dozens of people, including myself for thousands of dollars, I get upset. My …CONTINUE READING HERE: Finding a Guru

Real Commitment

Check out what this 16 year old boy is doing for generations to come. If we all took a stand like this young man to make a difference in our world, maybe we would find World Peace, Greater Health, and a planet that will thrive for generations to come.

Energy Healing the Importance of Determination

Nothing and I mean absolutely nothing comes to you without you being determined and claiming it as yours. When it comes to energy healing whether you are wanting to heal emotionally or physically, wanting greater financial abundance, improved relationships or even a deeper connection with the divine, you first need to be determined that you want it and claim it as yours. But it doesn’t stop there… So often I hear people say that they have done their affirmations, their beliefs are strong and they aren’t sure why their desires aren’t coming to them. Today, I’ll share a little insight …CONTINUE READING HERE: Energy Healing the Importance of Determination

Act of Kindness

Some of the simplest things can make the biggest changes in someone’s life. Many years ago I walked to the corner store, about a mile away from home, to purchase a stamp and mail a letter. I got into line and ordered my stamp and when I went to pay I was discovered that I had forgotten to put money into my pocket. I was embarrassed and started to excuse myself from the line when the lady behind me paid for the postage stamp. That simple act of kindness has remained with me all of these years. Get out your …CONTINUE READING HERE: Act of Kindness

The Power of Persistence

Persistence is one of the qualities of greatness. I think you’ll find this video inspiring. It shows great courage, amazing persistence and the power of love. Tissue Alert!

Loving Your Imperfections

I’m anything but perfect… I love a good laugh and in particular I love laughing at how silly we humans can be and especially how serious we take ourselves. In fact I like to laugh at myself not in a put myself down way but in a way to laugh at things I do as a way to allow myself to be okay when I make mistakes. Have you ever heard that quiet voice inside your head that let you know to do something and you ignored it? Well, here’s what I looked like after ignoring that quiet voice. Yep, …CONTINUE READING HERE: Loving Your Imperfections

Lost Pony

Most of you have probably heard the story about the boy digging through the manure and when asked what he was doing, he said with all this manure, there has to be a pony in here somewhere. You see to me this parable is all about the lost opportunity most of us miss when something happens to us that is devastating or at least not what we would have consciously chosen, Why, because most of us are so busy blaming others and feeling sorry for ourselves when something doesn’t go our way, or something “bad” that we miss the “Golden …CONTINUE READING HERE: Lost Pony

The Power of Letting Go

If you are struggling to heal yourself, or you are wanting better relationships, a better job, greater wealth, or any other thing you may desire that seems elusive to you, than this may be the key you have been missing. For years I did affirmations and visualization of the things that I desired and I got mixed results. When I lost all of my money in 2005 and didn’t know where my next meal was coming from or how I was going to pay the mortgage payment and utilities, I freaked. I tried doing affirmations and I tried visualization, and …CONTINUE READING HERE: The Power of Letting Go

The Beauty of Living in the Present Moment

Most of us live either fretting about the past or worrying about the future. We continually rehash in our mind the event that occurred, especially those events that had a negative impact on us. Or worse yet we talk about it with every person we speak to. Reliving every moment as though it just happened. For many of us it has become such a habit that we don’t even notice that we are doing it and worse yet we miss things that are happening all around us in the moment. The habit of looking at the past is ingrained into …CONTINUE READING HERE: The Beauty of Living in the Present Moment

Can talking about negative thoughts be harmful?

I’m frequently asked… Is it harmful to speak about negative thoughts? Does that give them more power? The short answer would be that if you are speaking or thinking negative thoughts you are definitely giving them power. Speaking them will add power to the negative thoughts that you have. The energy increases even more if you have a conversation with another person, who continues to add fuel to the fire so to speak. You add even more energy to your negative thinking if you act upon those thoughts. It was once believed that if you punched a punching bag or …CONTINUE READING HERE: Can talking about negative thoughts be harmful?