Loving Your Imperfections

I’m anything but perfect…

I love a good laugh and in particular I love laughing at how silly we humans can be and especially how serious we take ourselves. In fact I like to laugh at myself not in a put myself down way but in a way to laugh at things I do as a way to allow myself to be okay when I make mistakes.

IMG_20160601_175537328Have you ever heard that quiet voice inside your head that let you know to do something and you ignored it? Well, here’s what I looked like after ignoring that quiet voice. Yep, the sun was shining and I decided to go for a walk to get in my 10,000 steps for the day. I saw a dark cloud in the distance and I heard that quiet voice say, it’s going to rain and yep, I ignored that voice.

And it didn’t just rain it dumped buckets of water, I swear! My clothes were so soaked that the Krystagraph I was wearing inside my bra was soaked through. And no that is not a bathing suit that I have on and I didn’t just get out of a swimming pool or a lake.

Anyway, you get the idea.

But here’s the thing… I teach how to tune in and follow your intuition and yet, there I was ignoring my own intuition and I got caught. So, I decided that I might as well come clean here and tell you I’m not perfect, and yes, I definitely had a good laugh once I dried off.

The thing is that following intuition, like anything else is a choice. The more you chose to follow it the stronger that intuitive muscle gets. It’s rare that I don’t follow my intuition these days, but obviously it happens.

To me though it’s most important not to beat yourself up for making a mistake like that, but instead to recognize it and make a note to follow that instinct next time and see what happens. I also believe that laughter is great medicine and so I highly recommend laughing a lot, even at yourself and the silly things you do, as long as that laughter isn’t about beating yourself up. The other thing I highly recommend is looking for the good in everything, including that you noticed that you ignored your intuition. My other gifts in this particular event was that although it was lightening and I couldn’t find shelter, I managed not to get hit by lightening and because of the amount of rain we are having and the concern recently that some of the water might breach the threshold of the door and come into the house I had towels right at the door, so I didn’t have to track water all through the house. You get the idea…. I’m grateful for all of the good I can find, as small as it might seem. In so doing my life has become far less stressful and far more peaceful.

One of the most frequent questions I’m asked on the subject of intuition is “How do I know which is my intuition and which is my ego?”.  The answer is the intuition is that quiet voice, it is never the one that keeps going over and over in your head reasoning why it is the right decision. Your intuition gives you the answer and is then silent and allows you to make a decision.

Another way is to learn to tune into your intuition is to  notice what and where you feel your instincts within your body. Many people talk about intuition as your gut instincts, but truthfully for some people they feel it in their gut but other people feel it in their throat with a tightening sensation in their throat and others feel it in their chest. Here’s an exercise you can go to learn what you feel and where you feel it.

You’ll need a family member or friend who will guide you through this. What you want them to do is guide you through a visualization that is going very nicely and suddenly have it go really nice. Like you are driving along on a beautiful sunny day and you see children playing in the park, you stop and get out of your car and find yourself playing and laughing with the children. Then the person asks you to notice how you feel and where you feel it. They then describe the same scene, but instead as you are arriving at the park or driving down the street a child runs out in front of your car and you hit them. Again you are asked to notice how you feel and where you feel it. You of course will want your friend to make up the story and also have them do them in whatever order they want, so you don’t know what to expect and whatever they do, make sure that you do something to bring yourself back to the fun vision, so you don’t leave yourself in that bad place if that is the last one that they described.

Here are some other things you can do…

  1. Go out into nature and tune-up your senses to everything going on around you. Leave you mobile phone at home or at least put it on do not disturb while you are doing this.
  2. Hug a tree, take time to smell the air, watch a bird soar or a butterfly as it gently goes by. Notice a caterpillar or a lizard, even the bugs around you.
  3. Take a break from all electronics. We’ve de-sensitized ourselves by staying so attached to all of the electronics, that many of us are becoming less and less aware of everything going on around us, much less taking time to listen to our intuition.
  4. Meditate daily. That quiet time helps us to tap into our connection with spirit.
  5. Use other methods of discernment as you are tuning up your intuitive connection, such as muscle checking (you’ll find an article in my newsletter that give you detailed instructions on this). You can also dowse for an answer as well.
  6. Take time to be present in your life, throughout your day, not just when you are in nature. This means be present with everyone you speak with, don’t do two things at once. Be present with any work you are doing and don’t allow distractions. The more you practice being present and in the moment, the more you will be clear for that intuitive guidance and what’s really cool, it will seem to be there more and more often. In other words it is always with us, but our life distractions have caused us not to notice.
  7. Keep your energy flowing, by opening and balancing your Chakras regularly. The clearer your energy flow is the clearer your connection to source will be.

If you have questions or even other tips you have found helpful for tapping into your intuition, please share them in the comments box below.


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