What Your Chakras Can Unveil About Your Health

Having your chakras (energy centers) open and balanced with the energy flowing is key to your overall health. Yet few people are aware of the fact that the condition of their chakras has a direct coorelation to their health. Are you aware, that by knowing whether an energy center is open or closed, weak or strong, you can get real insights about your health, even before you have a health challenge? Many people are aware of the connection between their chakras and specific health problems, but by the time you have a health problem you will have to work to …CONTINUE READING HERE: What Your Chakras Can Unveil About Your Health

Yoga and the Bigger Picture

Marty Tita Tulum ..Tulum Mexico When I am ready to immerse myself in an hour of practicing yoga, I first sit in a lotus pose with my hands in prayer position over my heart. I then softly recite words out loud that I created a while back to help me slow down and connect to a higher power, gratitude and the blessing of being alive. Those words are, “I will do whatever you want me to do, for as long as you allow me to be in this body.” This is my way to come into a quiet, more humble …CONTINUE READING HERE: Yoga and the Bigger Picture