Wisdom from a 6 Year Old

Wisdom from a six year old, that you won’t want to miss. I wish more people would see this and understand the importance of Grant’s message. Would love to hear your ideas on how we can create a world like Grant is envisioning. Post your comments below.

Wisdom from an Unlikely Source

Most of us would never consider a 14 year old to be someone as wise as this young man is. Royce Mann, 8th grader from Atlanta, GA, USA, wrote and performed this slam poem as part of a school competition. He ended up taking home first place. I’d love to hear your comments below.  

Living a Magical Life

An Empowered Life is a Magical Life I was talking with a few different people this week and the theme, no matter who started the conversation all seemed to come full circle back to the concept of how people are looking for the “Quick Fix” or the “Magic Bullet”. The other theme was how often we have a hard time telling the difference between our Inner Voice and our Ego Voice. So, today I’m going to talk about how to live a magical life, but it doesn’t involve any quick fixes or magic bullets, instead I’ll be talking about living …CONTINUE READING HERE: Finding Magic in the Midst of Chaos

Sarah's Gift

The Inspiration behind Sarah’s Gift by Erica Tucci Where do authors most often get the inspiration for their books? You probably already know the answer to this if you read a lot, are an author yourself or wish to be an author. Authors are inspired by their own personal experiences. We all (meaning everybody in the world) have our own personal journeys replete with life experiences that create the stories of our lives. And through these tales, we often find that we have something to share in a way that might be able to serve others in some capacity. If …CONTINUE READING HERE: Sarah’s Gift

Finding a Guru

Tips for Finding Your Guru I received an email the other day, from someone that many might be calling a “Guru”. This particular woman sends an email out regularly about Transmitting Light Energy to her followers for a fee. In this particular email she was actually offering Light Transmissions for Free at a location in her home town. I have nothing against healers and spiritual leaders transmitting energy or charging a fee, but when I know that the person is a con-artist who has literally ripped off dozens of people, including myself for thousands of dollars, I get upset. My …CONTINUE READING HERE: Finding a Guru

Real Commitment

Check out what this 16 year old boy is doing for generations to come. If we all took a stand like this young man to make a difference in our world, maybe we would find World Peace, Greater Health, and a planet that will thrive for generations to come.

Focused Intention & Energy Healing

Focused Intention is a Key to Successful Energy Healing In today’s electronic world, many of us are so attached to outside sources that we allow those distractions to take our attention away from what is truly important to us. Worse yet, many of the distractions we get caught up in come from all of the negativity going on around us. We are constantly bombarded with news flashes about mass murders, damage by floods, tornadoes and more, all of which quickly capture our attention. It’s no wonder when we are trying to make changes, using energy healing in our lives that …CONTINUE READING HERE: The Role of Focused Intention in Energy Healing

Energy Healing the Importance of Determination

Nothing and I mean absolutely nothing comes to you without you being determined and claiming it as yours. When it comes to energy healing whether you are wanting to heal emotionally or physically, wanting greater financial abundance, improved relationships or even a deeper connection with the divine, you first need to be determined that you want it and claim it as yours. But it doesn’t stop there… So often I hear people say that they have done their affirmations, their beliefs are strong and they aren’t sure why their desires aren’t coming to them. Today, I’ll share a little insight …CONTINUE READING HERE: Energy Healing the Importance of Determination

Act of Kindness

Some of the simplest things can make the biggest changes in someone’s life. Many years ago I walked to the corner store, about a mile away from home, to purchase a stamp and mail a letter. I got into line and ordered my stamp and when I went to pay I was discovered that I had forgotten to put money into my pocket. I was embarrassed and started to excuse myself from the line when the lady behind me paid for the postage stamp. That simple act of kindness has remained with me all of these years. Get out your …CONTINUE READING HERE: Act of Kindness

Meditation May Reduce Sleep Requirements

Sleep Less – Enjoy Life More… Yes, I really mean it… Not sleepless but Sleep Less. 🙂 Most people go to bed and are restless throughout the night. They don’t get the proper rest they need, even when they are sleeping for the prescribed 8 hours. Yet, there may be a way to get more rest in less time, by practicing meditation. Many years ago, I heard that meditation was a way to reduce the your hours of sleep. Initially I noticed that I slept more soundly on the days I meditated, and I was more relaxed and less stressed, …CONTINUE READING HERE: Meditation May Reduce Sleep Requirements