This is a quick post about expectations, what you expect will happen, what you actually believe will happen when you are either making an affirmation or deciding on goals you would like to achieve. It could also be in the way you deal with different events in your life. In my book Driving With the Brakes On, I discuss beliefs we have, and how they can be subtle, yet influence or steer an outcome, often without us knowing we have done so.
It’s important to pay attention to what we expect will be the outcome. Just quickly see if it’s because of a thought structure or self created “filter” that’s attached to a belief. Or if we expect the outcome we want because we created it in a positive manner. Ideas like, “it will probably be a huge hassle to get this done as it never goes that smoothly at the _________ .” (Fill in the blank).
Here it seems fairly obvious but so often there are little ideas we have without really paying attention to our inner dialogue. I still catch myself doing this even though I have made great strides in not putting a less than optimum expectation out there. I used to do it all the time. I frequently hear others say things in conversations that indicate their expectations are that they will experience disappointment or some non-wanted outcome in an upcoming event.
As I cover in my book, it’s beneficial to be aware that we’re steering these things by having such expectations. Many times we say or think things like this without really paying attention to the effect we are creating on ourselves. We are doing this to ourselves!
Here is an example. Please bear with me on this one. There is a dog I know named Dottie that just barks at all men and runs away. She is a small dog and has never been mistreated. She did this the first time I met her and has done it every time I’ve seen her since. This is really silly because I love dogs, and have had many of them in my life. They are usually quite happy to see me, even dogs I’ve never met before. Why? Because they can usually perceive my appreciation and love of them and and act accordingly.
But Dottie, seems to have a filter which is totally unsubstantiated with me that puts her barking reaction first. She seems to expect that I am some danger to her and reacts this way every time. Of all the times I have seen her, no matter what I have done to try to calm her, she just barks and runs away. Now when ever I see her, I just chase her away so she can go bark in the other room and not disturb us!
This is interesting because her expectation has now been adopted by me. I know she will act this way, so I have no interest in her anymore. The universe is the same way. It reacts and responds to our expectations; our filters. It usually winds up giving us what we actually expect will happen, what we within ourselves believe will happen. It is set up to present to us what we have put out there in terms of expectations and it usually does.
Now, I know this example involved a dog! But it does illustrate the point. The key is to notice if we have such filters in place when dealing with things in our lives. I have discovered many of these in myself. They were simply habitual ways of thinking and dealing with certain types of circumstances, events, and people. Just pay attention to see if these things are habits. It is another way we could be unconsciously Driving With the Brakes On as we go through our daily activities. If we become more aware, we will see these habits of thought in ourselves and deconstruct more barriers to the outcomes we would really like to see.
Once we become aware of something, we can make a shift.
I would love it if you bought my book, but I actually would love it if your spirit of discovery was stoked in any way. You are a timeless being. You are awesome and have incredible value and abilities. Find them or strengthen them. Focus on appreciation and love. Start with you!
You can preview the first 3 chapters of my book on my website for free: High Mesa The book is also available on Amazon as an eBook or paperback. Thank you!
Bill Murphy has always been interested in the spirit, and where we go after death and under what circumstances we decide to come back. He has had a strong curiosity and drive to learn all he can about the spirit and our spiritual paths. He briefly studied religion in college, but also read and studied other religions and spiritual belief systems. He wanted to find out what he did in his last lifetime and this led him in many directions and seeking many different experiences. In addition to this, Bill has always had a strong interest in learning about interesting phenomena such as the Bermuda Triangle, Atlantis, Lemuria, the Great Pyramids, ET civilizations, life force, and other subjects which are shrouded in mystery.
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