Are You Willing to Follow Your Inner Guidance?

When we listen to our inner guidance sometimes we are guided to do things that we think would be crazy to do. Why would we want to give up what feels secure? Well, having followed my inner guidance down many paths that most would feel were “Stupid” to do, I’ve ended up being blessed immensely. That being said, I have to wonder if I would have had the amount of faith this man had when he heard his calling.

Would you have had the faith he had? Share some of the moments when you followed your inner guidance even though it seemed crazy to do so. Or even share the inner guidance you ignored and tell us how you feel about ignoring it, does it niggle at you a bit? Do you have an regrets?

1 comment to Are You Willing to Follow Your Inner Guidance?

  • Peter SiebeltHet is mede door de dubbelfuncties van dit soort verderfelijke politici dat radicale actvisten zich gesteund voelen in hun acties. Dit mens dient onmiddelijk van haar functie te worden ontheven. Tevens dient te worden onderzocht hoeveel gemeensschapsgeld er de afgelopen jaren via de Brabantse provincie is verstrekt aan dieren- of milieuorganisties. Welk provinciaal statenlid voelt zich geroepen om de knuppel in het hoenderhok van Maij-Weggen te gooien?Op mijn steun voor onderzoek in de provinciale dossiers kan hij of zij rekenen.

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