Overcoming Anxiety & Stress

Do you find yourself suffering from anxiety and stress? If so, you are not alone… According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIH)… The average onset age of anxiety is 11 years old Anxiety is prevalent annually in more than 18% of the US population Women are 60% more likely to suffer from anxiety than men Black people are 20% less likely to suffer from anxiety than white people Hispanic people are 30% less likely to suffer from anxiety than white people The thing is that those numbers represent only the people whose stress and anxiety has been diagnosed …CONTINUE READING HERE: Overcoming Anxiety & Stress

Is Stress Making You Sick?

According to the American Psychological Association… “Chronic stress — stress that interferes with your ability to function normally over an extended period — is becoming a public health crisis.” According to the Statistic Brain Research Institute and American Institute of Stress…“77% of people regularly experience physical symptoms caused by stress and 76% Cited money and work as the leading cause of their stress”. Chances are that you either suffer from stress or known people who do. Here are some simple things you can do to overcome that stress and be healthier! I trust that you enjoyed the video and I’d …CONTINUE READING HERE: Is Stress Making You Sick?