Struggle, Strife, and the Stinkin' Thinkin' that Often Causes It

How much stinkin’ thinkin’ have you been up to lately?

You know what I mean . . .

  • Complaining about the lemons the Universe seems to have sent to you recently,
  • Having an interaction with someone that didn’t go the way you were expecting and obsessing or gossiping about how “wrong” the other person is,
  • Getting all caught up in how you feel victimized by “the system” – whether that be government, your job, or something else,
  • Immediately jumping to conclusions about why someone said or did something that contains a negative opinion about the action or the person, or insists that it was evil forces or some diabolical scheme to keep you down,
  • Saying “I could never,” or “It will never happen,” or “that’s not how life works,” or some other statement that shuts down all the possibilities the Universe is sending your way,
  • Thinking, saying, or doing something that results in you feeling bad,
  • Getting angry or upset about what those people are saying about the politician, political party, religion, or other group you feel aligned with,
  • You get the idea.

Its not easy walking the high road. But it is required if you want to heal your pain, live in joy, have harmonious relationships, achieve your heart-felt desires, or experience enlightenment.

Most people live in struggle.

And then they complain about it . . .  


Focusing on what you don’t want only causes more of the same.  If you know anything about the Law of Attraction, you already know that.

Instead of treating the next little disaster in your life like a horrible “bad” thing, why not look at it for what it is – a lesson.  Perhaps you are in the middle of a lesson about learning to flow with life, forgiveness, being kind to others, overcoming fear, staying calm despite your circumstances, letting go of people or situations that disempower you, cause you confusion, regret, or stress.

There are a lot of life lessons in the classroom called earth. Every moment of every day is there for you to see who you are and what you believe. Every person you encounter has been very strategically placed in your path for you to experience something. Each one is a gift – not a curse.

Life happens. Hiccups in plans happen. Relationship issues happen. People have bad days, they misinterpret the meaning behind your words, they often see life from their own perspective and it is usually not the same perspective that you hold.

You can blame something or someone for all the struggles in your life – or you can simply realize that life unfolds the way that it does – perfectly. You can perceive situations as being evil and dark. Or you can choose to accept what is and respond calmly to whatever shows up in your life.

I believe that all things happen for a reason. And I also believe that I am Divinely guided in every moment. I trust that when one door closes, another one will open. And the other one is always better than I could have figured out on my own. I try to look at unexpected hiccups in plans as opportunities. And I try to learn from them. What could I do differently next time? What did I learn about myself, someone else, or how life or business works by experiencing this?

The bigger your dreams, the more you have to change and walk the high road. I’m not talking about just embracing new concepts with your logical mind and trying to force new habits of behavior. I’m talking about fundamental permanent shifts physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. You also have to shift octaves vibrationally. If you were already the person you need to become in order to attain your desires, then those desires would already be realized.

There are a few caveats to what I just said – like Divine timing and how to know if a desire is in your highest and best interest, or whether it is simply your ego’s need for recognition, approval, or something else. We’ll save those for another time . . .

Have a deLightful day,

Get your FREE roadmap to whole life transformation with the ebook 7 Secrets to Dancing Through Life EmPOWERed, EnRICHEd, and Living in JOY! by bestselling author, Debbie Takara Shelor. It teaches you how to start experiencing your true magnificence now! Get it here: 7 Secrets eBook

Debbie Takara Shelor is a bestselling author, speaker, & engineer who helps people discover their unique magnificence, regain their confidence, and heal from the past in order to experience rapid goal achievement while living a joy-filled life.

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