Many of the people I meet including my clients, are stuck in the things that have passed, sometimes just moments ago, and sometimes decades ago. Does this sound like you? Of course we can’t actually live in the past, but what we can do is continually ruminate about the past. When we do this we end up giving that issue our energy for the moment and over the long haul that lost energy can drain us. When we are concerned about the future we again are giving our energy to that instead of devoting our energy to be in the …CONTINUE READING HERE: Tips for Letting Go of the Past?

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Imagine This!

A leading edge quantum physics theorist (Dr Fred Alan Wolf’s Yoga Of Time Travel) now believes that time travel is possible. Even a professor at the University of Washington in Seattle applied for a grant to demonstrate and prove that time travel is real. Hypnotherapists can lead people back into time to change the present, which now changes the future (Back To The Future movie). Metaphysicians and yogis can travel into the future to change the present. Ever read Spaulding’s Life And Teachings Of The Masters Of The Far East? A true account. What if one thought could change your …CONTINUE READING HERE: Imagine This!

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Why Love Heals by Dean Shrock, Ph.D.

Picture two lines together perfectly parallel. Then imagine them moving and waving together in perfect synchrony. Whatever one line does, the other does at the precise moment of the other. In fact, there is no way to determine which line moves first. They both follow each other, or follow some invisible force that conducts them in total harmony. Now imagine a bunch of lines moving, waving and vibrating in similar form. All peak and trough, move up and down, in absolute unison. These wavelengths can be all sizes, large and small, but all are perfectly aligned. All are singing …CONTINUE READING HERE: Why Love Heals by Dean Shrock, Ph.D.

Tags: , , , , , , | Category: Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Meditation, Mind Set, Self-Empowerment, Self-Esteem, Self-Love, Uncategorized | 2 comments

Breathtaking & Inspirational

Before watching this video I have a question for you. If you had Cerebral Palsy, the use of one finger, a brilliant mind and a typewriter what would you do? I’d love to know what you come up with and what you think of this video. Now what’s stopping you from being, doing and having all that you dream of?

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The Magnificent Truths about Guilt, Being Connected and Faith, by Daniel Parmeggiani!

Today, I have the great pleasure of being the host on Day 5 of Daniel Parmeggiani’s Virtual Blog Tour, whose new book, The Magnificent Truths of Our Existence, is currently celebrating its official launch. Daniel Parmeggiani is a modern-day spiritual teacher whose approach is unaligned with any particular religion or tradition. Driven by intense psychological turmoil when he was younger, Daniel discovered within himself a deeper reality that he says not only saved his life, but also showed him the way to permanent happiness and inner peace. Those revelations became the foundation of his book, The Magnificent Truths of Our …CONTINUE READING HERE: The Magnificent Truths about Guilt, Being Connected and Faith, by Daniel Parmeggiani!

Category: Emotional Healing, Energy Healing, Energy Psychology, Love, Mind Set, Spirituality, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

How Your Facial Expressions Assist Your Health Practitioner in Helping You!

Today, I have the great pleasure of being the host on Day 4 of Clifton Meador’s Virtual Blog Tour. Clifton’s book Fascinomas is celebrating its launch from February 17th to March 3rd, 2014. Clifton K. Meador, MD has a gift for filtering through tales and ‘can you beat this one’ stories that are passed around doctors’ lounges and operating rooms and coming up with succinct but extremely entertaining stories. A ‘fascinoma’, as Meador defines, is medical slang for an unusually interesting medical case. He has gleaned and collected and curated 35 such cases from his own experience and the experiences …CONTINUE READING HERE: How Your Facial Expressions Assist Your Health Practitioner in Helping You!

Category: Emotional Healing, Energy Healing, Energy Psychology, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

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The information provided on this site is designed to provide information regarding the author’s experience utilizing the included symbols to shift energy within her body for the purposes of healing herself. Information provided also includes the experiences of others who have utilized this work. This work is not intended to be used for the purposes of diagnosing or curing/healing any ailment and is experimental in nature. The work is also not intended to take the place of any medical doctor’s advice or treatment. The author does not dispense medical advice; nor does she prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intention in providing the information included in this newsletter is only to offer information of a general nature to help you cooperate with your licensed doctor/medical practitioner in your quest for health. In the event that you use any of the information in this newsletter, you are responsible for prescribing for yourself, which is your constitutional right, but the author assumes no responsibility for your actions.

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