Why Love Heals by Dean Shrock, Ph.D.


Picture two lines together perfectly parallel. Then imagine them moving and waving together in perfect synchrony. Whatever one line does, the other does at the precise moment of the other. In fact, there is no way to determine which line moves first. They both follow each other, or follow some invisible force that conducts them in total harmony.

Now imagine a bunch of lines moving, waving and vibrating in similar form. All peak and trough, move up and down, in absolute unison. These wavelengths can be all sizes, large and small, but all are perfectly aligned. All are singing and dancing and moving as one.

This is a way to begin to understand the unity that underlies all of creation. At the most fundamental level, all atomic and subatomic matter work and exist in harmony and order. Everything is interconnected and functions as one. Quantum physics has established this scientifically.

This is how our bodies work, as well, when they’re healthy. Most of the time the trillions and trillions of cells in our bodies work together in unbelievable harmony. They cooperate beautifully to keep us breathing, living, growing, and thriving.

When we do things like eating nutrient-rich foods and exercising our muscles in appropriate balance, it contributes to the harmony and growth of our cells. When we are joyful and “going fishing”, this emotional state also resonates with the natural harmony of our cells and contributes to our health. When we are practicing wellness, all the electrons that comprise our bodies are dancing together in the greatest line dance you could ever imagine. Think trillions and trillions of Fred Astaires and Ginger Rogers waltzing and spinning and swaying as one.

However, when we experience dissonance or stress, the harmonious movement and activity of the cells is disrupted. When we eat something that cannot be properly absorbed and used by our cells – and when we don’t exercise our muscles appropriately – and when we experience “negative” emotions – all of this causes the vibration of our cells to not be able to dance the same dance in harmony. The cells can then weaken, and the systems in our bodies stop operating optimally. Disease is now able to thrive in the environment of our bodies, where normally it would be sitting out the dance.

The quantum field, Life Force, and Qi energy described in ancient wisdom texts, are all ways to label or understand the fundamental “glue” of the universe that flows through and connects everything. When you are aligned or resonating with this energy matrix of harmony and order, you allow for a greater flow of this life-giving energy through your body.

The key is to get the cells of the body back to vibrating as one. Love is the expression or experience of oneness – this is why I define love as oneness. Love expressed as listening, caring, compassion, hope, etc. literally bathes the cells of our bodies with exactly what they need to return to their natural state of oneness.

When we experience love, it’s like getting a “tune-up”. For example: Remember in science class when iron filings were scattered on a card held over a magnet? They always arranged themselves in the pattern of the “lines of force” of the magnet’s field. Similarly, love functions like a magnet’s force field, and realigns the molecules of our bodies with their fundamental, natural state of harmony and order. This is why love heals.

Parts of this article are excerpted from Dr. Shrock’s book, Why Love Heals.

Receive a 6-part “Why Love Heals” eCourse with guided imagery here! 

Author:  Dean Shrock, Ph.D. is known for his research and development of a wellness program for cancer patients.  His research, published in 1999, found that patients lived longer, because they felt listened to, cared for, and supported.

What is your experience with the healing power of love?  Your story might just save someone’s life! Enter your story in the “Leave a Reply” box below.

2 comments to Why Love Heals by Dean Shrock, Ph.D.

  • Krystalya Marie'


    You would need to contact Dr. Shrock by going to http://www.DeanShrock.com – if you are having a problem subscribing to his “Why Love Heals” gifts. You can contact him through the contact form on the site.

  • kath

    your website tells me i am already subscribed to why love heals
    I am not aware of that
    Could you send a link that will connect me with your program?

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