In my opinion there is no right, there is no wrong, there is only the perspective of each and everyone of us… Over the years, I have changed my mind about things that I felt strongly were “Right” and somethings that I felt were totally “Wrong”. I’ve found that all of my beliefs are based on how I was brought up and what I was taught. Our beliefs are based on what our parents, teachers, and society teaches. For a while I didn’t question those beliefs, but there were a few things that put me on this quest of wondering …CONTINUE READING HERE: Right, Wrong or Perspective

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Journey to Inner Peace

I wanted to share my thoughts on finding Inner Peace, which in my opinion is the only way we can create World Peace. As many or you know, I rarely ever watch or read any news. My well meaning friends are on top of that and if they think I need to know about something, they keep me informed. So, hence the reason for my delay on what I am about to share. After the attack on February 13th in Paris, the French leader retaliated by bombing Syria, just 2 days later. As, I heard this news, I immediately began …CONTINUE READING HERE: Journey to Inner Peace – Part 1

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The Most “Mind Blowing” Way to Remove Stress From Your Life

Higher Brain Living®— The Revolutionary Procedure That Pumps An Energy Surge Into The Higher Brain, Instead Of The Reactive Lower Brain By Dr. Michael Cotton, Founder Higher Brain Living® A recent study demonstrated that up to 90% of all medical doctors office visits are now a result of stress. Our primitive survival brain, or ‘lower brain’, is the part of our brain physiology that is responsible for ‘survival.’ It is a reactive part of our physiology that keeps us in the grip of stress, fear, anxiety, reactive impulse, addiction, and frustration. This region of our brain is resistant to change, …CONTINUE READING HERE: The Most “Mind Blowing” Way to Remove Stress From Your Life

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The Realization that Leads to Genuine Letting Go

By Guy Finley We all know exactly what it is like to be certain we have let go of something sorrowful or worrisome, only to find ourselves in a similar sad situation moments later. Dropping this person and picking up that person doesn’t end the loneliness that drives us into dead-end relationships. This isn’t letting go. We have only managed to put the emptiness on hold. Changing jobs to get away from someone or something that sets us off doesn’t cancel our conflict. This just delays the inevitable angry feelings that always surface whenever we feel threatened. Our anger cannot …CONTINUE READING HERE: The Realization that Leads to Genuine Letting Go

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by Maurice Horwitz I hope this finds you all well and happy. I want to share a special thought with you today. Here is a thought provoking and very powerful quote from the book, A Return To Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles, By Marianne Williamson… “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You …CONTINUE READING HERE: LOVE YOURSELF, NO MATTER WHAT YOU WEIGH!

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The information provided on this site is designed to provide information regarding the author’s experience utilizing the included symbols to shift energy within her body for the purposes of healing herself. Information provided also includes the experiences of others who have utilized this work. This work is not intended to be used for the purposes of diagnosing or curing/healing any ailment and is experimental in nature. The work is also not intended to take the place of any medical doctor’s advice or treatment. The author does not dispense medical advice; nor does she prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intention in providing the information included in this newsletter is only to offer information of a general nature to help you cooperate with your licensed doctor/medical practitioner in your quest for health. In the event that you use any of the information in this newsletter, you are responsible for prescribing for yourself, which is your constitutional right, but the author assumes no responsibility for your actions.

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