30 Things to Be Grateful For

Reality Check…

Love & Gratitude

Gratitude is one of those daily practices that I cherish because it reminds me how blessed my life really is. I call it my “Reality Check” practice, because it’s my way of reminding myself how truly fortunate I am, even when times are tough.

I actually like to come up with new things I am grateful for each day based on the day and as I am falling asleep, I go through them in my mind. It puts me in a very peaceful state, and puts a smile on my face as I drift off to sleep.

It is also helpful to write down the things you are grateful for at the end of each day. I use the Love and Gratitude Krystagraph as a reminder to look for the good in everything. Even the things that appear not to be good on the surface, have something good in them, such as a lesson or even an inspiration.

So, today I’m sharing my list of 30 things that I believe most if not all of us can be grateful for. My hope is that this list will remind you too of the positive things that most of us take for granted in our lives.

For You

I am honored and blessed that you allow me to be a part of your life. I consider it a privilege to be able to share my thoughts and insights with you.

Clean Drinking Water

Do you know that 783 million people in the world do not have access to clean water? If you have access to clean tap water, bottled water, or filter your own water you are doing better than those 783 million people. In fact 10% of the world’s population lack access to safe water and 2000 children worldwide die every day from diseases caused by contaminated water.

Hot & Cold Running Water direct from your tap

43% of people do not have water coming directly into their home or the compound they live in. Imagine having to go to the center of the compound you live in to get running water, or worse.

Ice Cubes Direct from Your Refrigerator

I don’t personally use ice in anything I drink any more, but the convenience of an ice maker and ice cubes straight out of the front of your refrigerator door is super easy. It wasn’t that many years ago, if you wanted ice, you made it by putting water into an ice cube tray, then had to wait for it to freeze, before popping them out of the tray into your drink. We frequently ran out of ice.

Hot bath or Hot Shower

1.6 million people in the US alone don’t have indoor plumbing. To take a hot bath, they have to heat buckets of water before bathing. Showers in these cases are not even an option. I am grateful for indoor plumbing and the hot water tank as well as the hot shower or bath I get to take daily. Remember to that the hot water washes dishes, clothing, your hands and more.


39% of the world’s population live without access to improved sanitation and over 1 billion people still defecate outdoors in the open. Another source says that 60% of the world’s population still don’t have toilets. Be happy you have a toilet.

Toilet Paper

It is estimated that 70% of the world’s population doesn’t use toilet paper. Also, in come countries, toilet paper is not flushed, but instead is placed in a trash receptacle.

Reliable Car

I love my car and I thank it ever time I get into it for be an amazing car and for being reliable. It’s not new, in fact it is almost 20 years old, and it runs like a charm. Did you know that 91% of the people in the world do not own cars?


I love walking barefoot, but when it comes to walking on hot pavement, I definitely appreciate wearing shoes. Or when it comes to going outside in the middle of winter, boots and/or shoes are definitely a blessing. It is estimated that 300 million people worldwide don’t have shoes.


I love my clothes and they keep me warm in the winter. At one point in my life, I spent over $13,000 per year for new clothes. Today, I spend less than $500 per year for new clothing and have come to realize how consumerism had taken over my life. I still love clothes but they no longer define who I am.


A few years ago, I house sat for a friend who had a beautiful double dome home. I took having a furnace for granted right up until he explained that the only heat in the home was a wood stove. They had run ducts throughout the home from that stove. I actually enjoyed lighting the fire each day and keeping it tended properly so that it didn’t go out. I didn’t like hauling wood into the house though and thankfully he left me enough wood that I didn’t have to learn how to chop wood. All that being said though, the convenience of setting a thermostat and walking away sure makes life a whole lot easier.

Air Conditioner

When I grew up, we didn’t have window air conditioners, much less central air. I grew up in Michigan and truthfully it wasn’t that hot most of the summer. Yet when I got my first home, I had central air and haven’t lived without it since. I am not someone that likes it super cold, in fact most people can’t stand the fact that I keep the temperature at 78 degrees, but the convenience of being able to cool the house to the temperature I want, well, I can’t imagine how we did without it as a kid.

Flooring instead of dirt floors

I love getting up in the morning and stepping onto warm, plush carpet or a nice fluffy rug. Yet there are 1.3 billion people worldwide that have dirt floors that they step onto when they wake in the morning.


I love my computer, which gives me the ability to write these posts, communicate with people around the world and create the final versions of my Krystagraphs, like the Love and Gratitude one at the top of this post. In the late 1970’s I worked in the computer industry as a programmer and systems designer. I remember having a meeting at the I.B.M. offices in Southfield, Michigan, when they were talking about the possibilities of everyone having a computer in their home. At the time we all laughed and said that would never happen. Well, we were obviously wrong and I’m grateful that we were. Today, the mobile phone that I carry in my pocket has more computing power than the giant computer that I wrote programs for that ran the entire bank I worked for.

In-Home Scanner

There was a time that I didn’t have a scanner, which meant every time I drew a new Krystagraph™, I had to drive to the local print shop. I am so grateful that I know have a scanner that sits in my office that scans at a nice high resolution, so I can create Krystagraphs™ without having to leave home.

In-Home Printer

I was talking to a client recently and she didn’t have a printer at home to print the Krystagraphs™ I had just sent to her. It brought me back to a time when I too didn’t have a color printer at home and reminded me how much I appreciate not having to go to the print shop every time I want to print something.

Voice Translation Software

I love being able to talk to my computer and my mobile devices and have it type for me, even though I type at well over 100 words per minute. I remember having a meeting at the I.B.M. offices in Southfield, Michigan, when they demonstrated voice activated software. It was very antiquated and we all laughed and thought that won’t happen in our lifetime either, wrong again. 🙂

Internet Access to Reach People Around the World

Having spent many years in the computer industry, it still amazes me how far we have come. It wasn’t that many years ago, that we didn’t have Internet Access at all, and it just keeps improving with faster speed and reliability. It’s great because it has provided me with a way to meet people around the world.

Dish Washer

When I have a large group of people for dinner, the dish washer is the best appliance in the house and I’m always grateful that I have it. I cherish that it is available all of the time, just waiting for me to use it, but I don’t really use it when I’m only cooking for one or two people. For people with families, a dishwasher is the best, especially if you use that extra time you just saved by spending quality time with the people you love.


I can’t imagine what I would do, if I didn’t have a refrigerator or a freezer. Yet people in third world countries don’t have them.

Stove & Oven

I am always grateful for the stove and oven that I make my meal on or in. Instead of complaining that I have to cook, I take time to be grateful that I don’t have to start a fire in a fire pit outside, just to make some hot water or cook something.


I don’t watch television for the most part anymore, but I do love having the big screen to watch movies.


I can’t imagine life without a phone although I do have to admit I sometime ditch my mobile phone so I’m not quite so accessible. I love having the choice.

Fresh Food that I don’t have to grow myself

The fresh food that is so easily made available to us and with Organic Food prices coming down some as the demand is going up, I love that I don’t have to take time to grow my own. So, as I eat that fresh salad, fresh fruit, or squeeze that fresh lemon into my cup of tea, I am always grateful for the bounty of food I enjoy knowing that some other wonderful person lovingly grew it.

Sunshine, Blue Skies and Wispy Clouds

I love the outdoors over all and I especially love walking outdoors on a sunny day with blue skies and wispy clouds that sometimes form shapes that look like animals, or people in the sky.

Sun Rises & Sunsets

One of my favorite things to do is watch sun rises and sunsets. I miss most sunrises, because I’m a night owl, so I’m not usually up for them, but when I am, I love to watch as the sun begins to peak above the horizon. Sunsets and golden skies are one of my favorites as I watch the sun sink below the horizon. I used to photograph them but now, I like being present and not bothered by having to adjust the camera, but instead appreciate the beauty and keep it always present in my mind.


I love looking out the window, or taking a walk in nature while watching the birds, or listening to them sing their beautiful songs. I love watching the squirrels do their acrobatics and I cherish each moment that I get to see a deer gracefully walk through the yard. When I am at the ocean (my favorite place of all to go), I love walking barefoot on the beach, while watching the Birds, the Pelicans, the Dolphins and the Manatees.


I’m a cat and dog lover, and although currently I don’t have a either, due to my lifestyle I cherish many memories of the cats and dogs that have owned me.

GPS in Car

I used to love to read maps and plot out my directions when traveling in my car. Today, though I have a GPS on my phone and in my car and I get to save time and paper and ink because I don’t have to plan ahead, I don’t have to print the directions. The additional benefit is that I can be more present because I don’t have the keep checking my map.

Washing Machine

Of the world’s population only about 2 Billion people out of 7 Billion people have access to a washing machine. The rest wash their clothes by hand. Be grateful for the washing machine or laundromat you have access to.

Clothes Dryer

The same holds true for the clothes dryer and remember if you don’t have a clothes dryer many of the clothes you would be wearing out either need to be ironed or you’d have to wear them wrinkled.


When I’m dressed up, and don’t want to get wet, or when it is cold and rainy, I cherish my umbrella, but I have to say, I also love to dance and skip and play in the rain as well, when I’m not dressed up and when it is warm outside.


Many of the things that I’ve mentioned above wouldn’t exist without electricity. Do you know that 1.5 Billion people in the world do not have access to electricity. That means they also don’t have access to all of those things I mentioned above that depend on electricity.

Peace vs  Living in a War Torn Country

Our news continually focuses on the crime and disasters in our local areas, our country and in the world. I look around and see so many beautiful people and I realize that although all of those things are happening, there is so much more peace and beauty surrounding us that we don’t take time to notice. I like being present and recognizing just how lucky I am that I don’t live anywhere that bombs are being set off and that I have to fear for my life, moment to moment. Do you know that it is estimated that out of 162 countries only 11 in the entire world are not involved in some time of war conflict.

I dream that someday there will be no more war, no more poverty and that we will all love each other for our unique gifts we bring to the world.

Please share some other things that you are grateful for, in the box below.

You can print the love & gratitude symbol by clicking here!

1 comment to 30 Things to Be Grateful For

  • Jean Hendricks

    Thank you for the symbol and for reminding us of so many wonderful things to be grateful for. I would like to add books because they give me a chance to learn or dream. I am also grateful for eyeglasses as they enable me to read, drive, watch tv, etc. My vacuum cleaner that picks up my pets’ hair.

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