Syrian Peace Prayer

Would you step up and do what this man is being guided to do? How important is World Peace to you? Watch the below video to learn how you can help create peace in the world from the comfort of you home.     The World Peace Symbol, is my gift to you! It can be used during this prayer / meditation with James and whenever you wish to have more inner peace and help create more peace in the world! Click here to print your copy!   To join James and the million people around the world that believe …CONTINUE READING HERE: Syrian Peace Prayer

Journey to Inner Peace

I wanted to share my thoughts on finding Inner Peace, which in my opinion is the only way we can create World Peace. As many or you know, I rarely ever watch or read any news. My well meaning friends are on top of that and if they think I need to know about something, they keep me informed. So, hence the reason for my delay on what I am about to share. After the attack on February 13th in Paris, the French leader retaliated by bombing Syria, just 2 days later. As, I heard this news, I immediately began …CONTINUE READING HERE: Journey to Inner Peace – Part 1