13 and Wiser Than Most People

When I watched the video below I was brought to tears and knew I had to share it with you. I was amazed and wondered, how does a young man, only 13 year old have such wisdom and beautiful gifts? In my opinion his biggest asset was having parents that saw him whole, healthy and beautiful. They didn’t see him broken, they didn’t give up and they gave him that same gift of never giving up. If I were a parent, I’d watch this video over and over until I really understood at a “Soul Level”, the gift his parents …CONTINUE READING HERE: 13 and Wiser Than Most People

The New Children Are Arriving

by Kenji Kumara They are being called by many names – The Children Of Oz, Indigos, Crystal, Golden, Dawn, The Golden Ones, Violet Ray & Psychic Kids. They are coming from different places within our Universe and Galaxy – The Pleiades (7 Sisters), Sirius B (a Star), Cassiopia, Aldebron, Arcturus, The Vega System (a Gate-way), Antares and a “Galaxy Far Far Away” (to use ‘a Star Wars term). These children volunteered to come to Earth to bring awareness, enlightenment, healing and a new way of culturing our environment and planet. Some are being born fully awakened and realized; others arrive …CONTINUE READING HERE: The New Children Are Arriving