Achieving Your Goals

At the first of every year many people set goals. In most cases they set goals for what they want to achieve in the next 12 months. They then jump in feet first and go for all of them at once. Within a week or two most people have stopped all of their activities toward those goals and are right back where they started last year and the year before and the year before… You know what I mean. According to statistics 45% of people make New Years resolutions while only 8% are successful at achieving them. Here are a …CONTINUE READING HERE: Achieving Your Goals

Engineering Your Success - Inspiration & Lessons You Don't Want to Learn the Hard Way

“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble Is what you know for sure that just ain’t so” – Mark Twain In our modern society, we like to believe that we are independent to think as we want, that we are free to decide how we live our lives, that we are fundamentally good people, that our character is under our control and that we are free to make the choices that we want. And then, there’s reality. Why did 909 educated Americans willingly committed suicide one night in the jungle of South America simply because their …CONTINUE READING HERE: Engineering Your Success – Inspiration & Lessons You Don’t Want to Learn the Hard Way