Moving Beyond a Dark Night of the Soul

A Recent Question I received…

“I guess I’m just kinda lost. A year ago I literally felt like I broke myself. I did brake myself in a way. Broke through my mental blocks, illusions, had my dark night of the soul- all by myself, with no idea what was happening and no one to talk to. So now what. I am different but nothing else is, no one else in my life is. I feel vulnerable without my defenses, and I am so lonely. What I want and need more than anything is simply people to connect with relate to, people who are of the same mindset. I don’t know what steps to take in this transition- any help for those transitioning.”

What is a Dark Night of the Soul?

There are many things that can happen to us that may trigger us to have a “Dark Night of the Soul”, experience. It is also not uncommon to have more than one “Dark Night of the Soul, as you grow and start questioning what is happening around you, or your beliefs. It might be a trauma that happens to you, or even a natural disaster that can trigger you to experience a Dark Night of the Soul.

One of My Dark Night of the Soul Experiences

Dark Night of the SoulOne of the darkest days in my life, was when I discovered that my soon to be ex-husband had convinced my family and friends that I was insane for leaving him. First came the phone call from my oldest brother, who announced that my siblings were going to have a meeting to discuss possibly having me committed to a mental institute for evaluation. He was inviting me to the meeting. Being my sarcastic self, my response was simply…

You didn’t live with him, so how would you know what went on in our relationship and why I left him. Have a great meeting, I won’t be there. At the time of that phone call, I didn’t take it very seriously and thought it was only my siblings that didn’t support my decision.

The second and far more shocking phone call was from my closest friend, who told me to stop feeling sorry for myself, that I caused the whole problem and shouldn’t have left him. When we hung up the phone, I immediately got out my gun, loaded it and sat for hours pondering how to make sure that when I pulled the trigger I wouldn’t miss and just cause myself horrible damage, that crippled me for life.

That night, after spending hours with the loaded gun, I experienced a vision of what life could be like, if I chose to put the gun away and embrace new possibilities. I eventually, unloaded the gun and emptied an entire storage closet, placed the gun in the farthest corner of the closet, and put everything back into the closet. I decided at that moment that if I ever got to the point that I actually emptied the closet to get to the gun, I would pull the trigger.

Here are my 5-Steps for Moving Beyond the Dark Night of the Soul

Dark Night of the Soul


  1. Meditate and Journal to Find Clarity About Your Experience and the Meaning Behind it
  2. Examine Your Old and New Beliefs
  3. Allow Yourself to Feel what You Are Feeling
  4. Get Clear on What You Want to Change in Your Life
  5. Visualize What You Want To Experience Next



Over the next several weeks I’ll explore each of these in greater detail, while providing tools to assist you to move beyond the “Dark Night of the Soul”.


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