Our Collective Consciousness Rules Our Lives
I was recently listening to a Robert Kiyosaki interview about money and it reminded me about how most of us “Live By the Rules”. By that I mean, we allow what we are taught to rule our lives. We allow what is “Socially Acceptable” to rule our lives and for the most part we don’t think any deeper than what we are taught. We rarely question what we are taught.
Interestingly, I thought I’d be hearing Robert talk about money and ways to make money, and yes he did cover that, but his story was very fascinating as he talked about how little our school teachers actually know about life, money and applying the information they teach to living life. He also talked about the fact that what we are taught in schools is decided by our government, wealthy families and big business, as a way to control us. (my words, not his).
It’s interviews like this that, in addition to teaching us all more about money, can shed a light on how we as a society have become “Dumbed-Down” by the societal norms that are drilled into us, including the fact that we are frequently taught not to question our parents, the teacher or the religious leader, etc.
It’s Not Just About What We are Taught…
In addition to the things we are taught in school and by our parents, religious leaders and authority figures in our life, we also take on beliefs based on the collective consciousness of the people we interact with, the news and media we listen to and an even greater influence is the energetic vibes that we sense that become a part of us and the overall collective beliefs.
For instance, if there is a lot of fear among the people you associate with, even if it is not spoken about, you are likely to become more fearful. If there is a lot of anger in the world, if we don’t consciously protect ourselves from that anger energy, we might find that we are more easily angered by events that happen around us or to us.
Even the words that are used to discuss differences, typically mention fighting for what is right, or fighting for what we believe in. This is what I called Co-Create Unconscious Beliefs and Programming. If we instead worked together to create a more loving and compassionate connection and looked for solutions that worked for everyone, our world just might be a better place to live.
How the Collective Consciousness is Making Us Sick…
There have been studies that showed that the number of people having lung cancer increased once people learned that Cigarette Smoking causes cancer, after John Wayne died from Lung Cancer. What studies are showing is that as we take on a belief that something is harmful, and can cause xxx illness, and that as more people take on that belief, it grows exponentially, until the rate of people getting that particular illness becomes greater and greater.
In an interview I conducted on my radio show, a while back, with Eldon Taylor, he talked about how we are hypnotized within the first few minutes after starting to watch TV and that we can then be manipulated into buying things based on advertising techniques used to grab our attention. He sited one case where the drug company that had the original patent on a drug for “Restless Leg Syndrome”, conducted mass amounts of advertising and that the number of people that complained about having the restless leg issues, increased dramatically. We might think that has to do with awareness, but once the patent ran out and the generic versions of the drug were made available, the company pulled their ads and the number of people complaining about having restless legs went back to the same number as was being reported before the drug came on the market.
Eldon was one of my favorite guests on my former radio show, because he is so knowledgeable about how our mind works and how so many of us live unconsciously. He has conducted or been involved in 100’s of research projects focused on our minds. Here is one of the interviews that I did with Eldon on the topic of living consciously.
What Eldon describes, is what I call, Co-Create Unconscious Beliefs and Programming.
It has been my experience that if we stop focusing on the problem and instead focus, not on a solution, but instead on the end result, in this case Total Health, we are far more likely to stay healthy. But I want to take this conversation one step further.
If we can become sick based on the programming done in advertising, then the same is true for staying healthy. But, the problem with that is that there is no money to be made to keep us healthy. No one is going to advertise good messages to keep us healthy, so it’s time that we claim our power and create a whole new reality.
So, I propose that we awaken our consciousness as individuals and in so doing we will raise the collective consciousness. In so doing we will not only help ourselves and our loves ones, we will be helping the entire human race. To do this I’m suggesting that we co-create Positive Unconscious Beliefs and Programming, raise our vibrational energy and exponentially cause the vibrational energy of the human race to increase.
The Power of Raising Your Vibration and it’s effect on the Human Race…
David Hawkins books, Power vs Force is one of my all-time favorite books on consciousness and how we can raise the vibration of the planet and the human race. If you haven’t read it, I suggest you do. It’s not an easy read, but it is definitely an enlightening read. I suggest reading not more than a few pages at a time and allowing the concepts to take hold before moving to the next pages.
In the book he defines the levels of consciousness and in the research done, they found that people at a level of consciousness, below 200 see the world as hopeless, sad, frightening or even frustrating, while people at a level of 200 or above, see life as exciting, challenging and stimulating. People at the level of 200 put back into the world, as much energy as they take, while people at lower levels actually drain the energy from society.
As you raise your level of consciousness above 200, you not only give back as much energy as you take, you actually give back more and as your level increases higher and higher, you are able to offset the negative impact of those under 200, exponentially. This holds true the opposite way as well, so that the lower your level of consciousness is, the more you drain from society.
An energy level of 500, is unconditional love, as I prefer to say… “total and complete love”. This means that there is acceptance without judgement of anyone, including ourselves. Very few people attain this level or higher, but it is attainable. A level of 600 is Peace and 700 is Enlightenment. With these higher levels it only takes a few people to raise the vibration of many people because of the exponential offset this is happening.
Awareness is Necessary for Living Consciously
The first step to living a conscious life is becoming aware of your thoughts and your beliefs. Pay attention to your negative thoughts and beliefs and canceling those negative beliefs by reframing them into positive thoughts and belief.
Use wording that is totally positive, by eliminating “un” such as unconditional (replace this with total and complete), “less”such as effortless (replace this with ease & grace).
The second step is being aware of how easily our minds can be manipulated, if we don’t remain vigilant and protect our energy, especially when we are in situations where a lot of the people are negative. This can be done simply by intention and awareness as you are in that particular situation. Learn to excuse yourself and walk-away rather than engaging in negative conversations, complaining and gossip.
Go for a walk in nature during your breaks at work, if the people typically all engage in negativity and gossip.
Take proactive steps to raise your own consciousness and the the energetic vibration of the human race. Meditate in groups whether over the Internet or in a physical group. Studies have shown that crime rates decrease when people come together and mediate.
One of the easiest ways to change the energy and increase planetary love, is to use the “Attract More Love” process that I have created specifically for creating more loving relationships.
During the late 1990’s, when I worked on Detroit Edison, I started a practice of sending everyone I knew I would come into contact with the energy of love. I would open my heart and fill the room, the house, the neighborhood, etc., and then eventually fill the entire Detroit Edison building with Love. I would then visualize each person and send them love. After doing this for just short of a year, people started referring to me as the “Spiritual Leader” at Detroit Edison. They had no idea that I was doing this practice. People actually started working more cohesively and found solutions to problems that previously people would just argue about.
When I was in a meeting, if the group was arguing or having trouble coming to a solution, I would fill the room with Love energy and then just sit back and watch everyone begin to work together. I believe that if enough of us were to use this technique everyday, that we would have less anger in the work, less violence and that people would start to work together in our communities, our work places and our governments.
That’s why I’m giving you a copy of the audio version of the guided process and the Krystagraphs™ I use everyday, to create a more loving world (no sign-up required).
Remember “Love Heals All”!

Total & Complete Love