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Discover the Power of Self-Love for Healing
Your Life using Krystagraphs™
One-Minute Energy Tune-Up
Power Symbols for Self Love, eBook
The lack of Self-Love and Self-Esteem are at the root of all of life challenges. Whether that challenge is financial success, physical health or your relationships. When you begin to love yourself miracles begin to happen in your life.
Are any of these non-supportive beliefs part of your beliefs?
- I’m not smart enough.
- I don’t have the skills to do…
- I don’t have the time.
- I’m a loser.
- I weight too much.
- I’m always tired.
- I don’t deserve to be wealthy.
- I’m too old.
- No one loves me.
If so, it’s time for you to start changing those beliefs to more powerful supportive beliefs, because what you believe is what you create. Your reality is totally based on your beliefs about yourself.
Start Loving Yourself Now!
The Self-Love program consists of an eBook with Krystagraphs™, tools and processes to help you love yourself more fully and deeply.
- Discover the underlying beliefs that have kept your from loving yourself fully
- Simple tools and processes for loving yourself fully
- Improved relationships in all areas of your life
Support Your Self-Love Journey on AUTO Pilot with music and subliminal messages to improve your overall self-esteem and self-love throughout Your day, provided in all of the following formats.
Subliminal Messaging only: Listen 24 x 7 in the background.
Brainwave Entrainment for Relaxation and Meditation using binaural beats to put you in a meditative state.
Brainwave Entrainment for Sleep Induction using binaural beats to put you gently to sleep.
Listen to the brainwave entrainment recordings using a headset for up to 1 hour per day. The program includes a list of subliminal affirmations used in these recordings.
Three (3) Self-Love Subliminal Audios Only
Retail Value $60!
Yours for Only $27.00
(You Save $33)
Click Here to Order Now!
Purchase Both
(best Value)
Now only $37.00
Total Package Value $87.00
(You Save $50)
Click Here to Order Now!
Where do I download my purchases?
Hi Carl,
You are welcome. To access the free gift, please scroll to the bottom of the page to access your free gifts.
Thanks for the free goodies during December !! I clicked to download the report and nothing was there.