Healing Confidence

Are You Confident You Will Heal?

Whether you are wanting to heal from pain, a chronic illness or something as simple as a cold, your confidence in your ability to heal is of utmost importance. Here are some tips for building your confidence.

The Importance of Confidence when Healing

Energy Healing, ConfidenceIf you are questioning in the least whether you can heal something than it will be unlikely that you will get the results you want. You may think that you want to heal, but the moment you go into doubt as to whether it will happen or not, you are giving you health to negative thinking.

The year that I had the lump in my breast, I was certain that I would heal. It was frustrating, to say the least, that it didn’t happen faster. Yet I always knew that I would heal.

Trusting in yourself is imperative whenever you want to achieve the specific results you desire

You will slip and negative thoughts will creep in. The key here is not to beat yourself up. I’m not perfect, yes I had doubts that year, and the longer it took the more easily it seemed for me to slip into doubt. The key is to notice whenever doubts start tricking in and reaffirm that you are trusting the process and that you will be guided to the right and perfect way for you to heal. The quicker that you catch yourself, the less that you feed your fear and negative thinking.

Mindset is Key

It’s important for you to do what you can to explore your deepest fears and your deepenergy healing, mindsetest beliefs about your ability to heal. The sooner you do this the more likely you are to have the results you want. Remember wanting results is one thing, but knowing that you will achieve the results you desire, without any doubt, is imperative to.

The mind is very powerful and your subconscious is your slave. If you feed your subconscious positive beliefs without doubts you get positive results, but when you feed it negative beliefs, well…

For example, if you have an underlying “Core Belief” that healing always comes from an outside source, such as a Doctor, Prescription Drugs, an Energy Healer, etc., you have given up your power. That doesn’t mean that you don’t seek out that help, what it means is to keep asking for guidance for the next step to take.

Consistent journaling is one way to find those underlying core beliefs or use the Straight Path to Core Beliefs Krystagraph™, found in all of my books and healing products.


Partner with a supportive friend or family member to give you feedback when you slip into a negative wording and thinking. Make it fun, and make sure you are both doing this for each other, so you don’t get caught up in feeling beat up by the other person.

Stay away from anyone who doesn’t believe in you, or who wants you to do something you don’t feel guided to do. It’s easy to get caught up in what other’s think, but you are the only person to know what you need.

Trusting Your Guidance

energy healing, trust

During the year that I had that lump, I went to at least 25 different healers and intuitive practitioners. Each one of them cost me time and money and none of them had the total answer, yet each of them had a piece to the puzzle for my healing. I valued every single one of those sessions and continued to the next step.

The medical intuitive I was seeing regularly was the person who ended up telling me to draw the symbols. I’m sure that I would have gotten to my gift one way or another, she just happened to be the person that saw that gift within me.

Meditation is one of the keys for getting inner guidance. Stop doing and just be. Allow your mind to be quiet, without any outside interference and you’ll hear that inner guidance. Hearing it though it only half of the process, the other half is trusting that guidance and taking the steps you are guided to do.

In my opinion the crazier the idea is usually the more right I have found it to be. In talking to other friends who follow their inner guidance, they too agree on this point.



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