Empowered Spirit News

Edition 3

Would you like an easy way to check to determine whether one or more of your energy centers, aka Chakra’s, are open or shutdown?  Well, today’s edition of the ‘Empowered Spirit News focuses on providing you with a simple technique for checking each energy center.

Checking Your Energy Centers

To determine which chakras are shut down and which are open and balanced, you will be doing muscle checking.  This information was provided in the previous newsletter. If you have not yet read that edition of the newsletter or want a refresher, you can access the information here!

Once you understand how to do the Self-Administered Applied Kinesiology (AK) and have a baseline, you can check each of your chakras to determine if they are opened or shutdown.  It is helpful to know which areas are shutdown so that you are aware of the areas that you are weakest in.  Those areas then become the areas you will want to focus your attention on to implement change.

One of the areas that was shutdown for me when I first began checking my centers was my Solar Plexus.  This area represents your gut instincts and it is your creativity center.  My father was a professional artist and put a great deal of pressure on me telling me how poor my art work was.  I began telling myself that I couldn’t draw a straight line with a ruler.  After practicing to keep my Solar Plexus open for sometime I found that my abilities to draw a circle or straight line improved dramatically.

When I first began drawing the symbols, after working on keeping my solar plexus open and balanced for more than 2 years I still was convinced that I needed to find a professional artist to redraw the images to look neater.  I finally had an artist tell me that art is in the eye of the beholder and that it was important that I draw all of the images myself.  If I had not had my Solar Plexus open for a long period of time I probably would not have even attempted to draw the images that were coming to me.

To check each of your own energy centers and determine whether they are open and balanced or whether they are shutdown, use the method of applied kinesiology you found that worked best for you and  make the statement below for each chakra:

My _(chakra name from list below)___ is totally and completely opened and balanced.

  1. Root Chakra, which is located in your pelvic area and at the end of your tailbone
  2. Sacral Chakra, which is located two finger widths below your belly button
  3. Solar Plexus Chakra, which is located in the soft spot at the base of your breast bone.
  4. Heart Chakra, which is located in the middle of the breastbone directly in line with a person’s breast nipples. For women with sagging breasts, it would be in line with the place where the nipples would be if they weren’t sagging.
  5. Throat Chakra, which is located in the soft spot at the top of your breast bone.
  6. Brow or Third Eye Chakra, which is located about 1” above the bridge of your nose.
  7. Crown Chakra, which is located on the top/center of your head.
  8. Cosmic Chakra, which is located approximately 8”-10” above the crown of your head.
  9. Universal Intelligence/God Connection Chakra, which is located approximately 16”-18” above the crown of your head.

A strong response indicates that the chakra is opened and balanced, while a weak response indicates that the chakra is “shutdown.” When an energy center is shut down, you are running on less than all of your body’s energy potential, which would be similar to running a six cylinder car on only four spark plugs.

Additionally, I recommend that you check to see if your thymus gland is opened and activated.   The thymus gland represents your will to live.  When the thymus is shutdown your will to live is weakened and eventually you would die if this gland remains shutdown.  This gland can be located by tracing your fingers down your breast bone from the top for approximately 1-2 inches.  You will find a spot that is raised along the breast bone, that spot is your thymus gland.

You can check the thymus gland by doing applied kinesiology while making the following statement:

“My thymus gland is totally and completely opened and balanced.”

I also recommend that you check your will to live by making the following statement:

“I have a strong will to live a long life”

To open the energy centers which are shutdown use the Chakra Opening & Balancing Symbol, which is provided below in case you have misplaced it.  To use this symbol follow the steps below:

  1. Look at the symbol long enough to connect to the image and have a clear idea of what the image looks like.
  2. Place the symbol in your non-dominant hand with the image of the symbol facing your palm (or place the palm of your hand on the symbol), close your eyes, and take a deep breath. If possible, visualize the symbol as you do so.
  3. Continue to hold the symbol until you sense that you are “complete.”

Repeat the chakra testing above with each of the chakras that were originally shutdown.  These chakras should now be opened a
nd balanced.  To date 100% of the people being tested have instantly had their chakras opened and balanced.  If for some reason one of the chakras is still not opened and balanced, repeat the chakra opening and balancing process and recheck.

By regularly using this symbol to keep your energy centers opened and balanced you may find that things that were difficult to do or that you had a fear about become easier.  These changes may be very subtle or very dramatic since the experience is different for each person.

Balanced EnergyEnjoying the newsletter? If you are finding the tools, symbols and information in this newsletter helpful check out my ebook, One-Minute Energy Tune-up ~ Power Symbols for Balanced Energy.  Where I share more symbols and processes for healing the body, mind and spirit. In this book you will find details about each Chakra along with symbols to balance and energize the individual chakras.

If you found one or more chakra shutdown when doing the exercise above, you’ll receive instant access to the symbols for balancing those centers.

In this eBook, I also share tips on using crystals, essential oils, flower essences and mantras for toning to enhance the experience. The eBook also contains a unique process and symbols for identifying non-supportive core beliefs and changing them in one session. If you are tired of repeating affirmations, day after day, week after week, with little to no results, you’ll definitely want this simple yet effective process!

Because you are a subscriber, you are receiving this 1-time special price, that is only available for a limited time.

This eBook, which includes 17 power symbols, normally sells for $37.97!  Value $425 (Individual symbols sell for $25 apiece)! You’ll also receive an additional $220 worth of bonuses, when you order now!

Act now by clicking here and get your copy for only $17.00!



Chakra Opening & Balancing©

Print This Edition of “The Empowered Spirit News” Here!


4 comments to Empowered Spirit News – Edition 3

  • Garry, at this time I to don’t sell hard back copies of the book, due to the fact that the symbols are only effective in full color and the cost of printing color hard copy books.

  • Caroline, Without seeing the two page article it’s hard to say whether it is a topic that had it’s origin here.

  • Caroline Kroll

    I recently found a printout of a two page ‘article’ on Goodness. But I don’t have a source, could you advise if this is a topic that may have its origin here?

    Thank you.

  • garry

    can l buy a hard back copy of the book?

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