Getting Clear on What You Want is Imperative when Moving Beyond a Dark Night of the Soul

As I mentioned at the beginning of this series of articles for Moving Beyond a Dark Night of the Soul, (In case you missed the first article about “Moving Beyond a Dark Night of the Soul”, click here!the first step was to Meditate and Journal, while the second step is to examine both your old beliefs and the new beliefs, the third step was to embrace and heal your emotions and feelings.  You can read the article on embracing your emotions and feelings by clicking here!

Step four is to gain clarity on what you want.

ClarityAfter coming through a Dark Night of the Soul, you may feel like a new person, and may find that many people that you know are no longer a fit for your new life. You may also discover that the things you thought were important no longer seem to be important. It can get confusing at times.

Because so much is changing, this is a good time for reflecting on what your life and getting clear on what parts you want to shed and replace with something new and what parts you love and want to embrace. You may have already gotten some insights for this part during the first step of meditation and journaling. You’ll want to continue to meditate and journal, as those times when you are quiet are the best times for you to get clear insights.

What’s Not Working or What Are You Ready to Shed from Your Life?

Just as important though is to take some quiet time and begin by listing everything in your life that is NOT working or that you want to shed? This may include people, a job or even the location where you live. For me, one of my keys was to shed some of the negative friends and family members that were not supportive. It also meant moving from the cold wintry weather of Michigan to a warmer climate that supported me much better. It eventually, meant leaving a job that was stressful and no longer fulfilling.

It’s important that you be Really, Really, Really, Honest with Yourself”! Don’t allow yourself to reason and convince yourself that you shouldn’t reduce or eliminate a family member, a long-time friend, a church or other organization or a job. Don’t allow familiarity to rule.

Let’s be clear about this…

This isn’t about doing what is right, based on what you were taught, this is about honoring who you are and embracing who you have become as you’ve awoken after a Dark Night of the Soul.

Stop Here!

Get a piece of paper, a notebook, or an open document on your computer. Take time right now, before continuing to read this article, to get really clear on what you need to shed from your life. This process may take some time before you are ready to take the next step below. Honor the length of time it takes and consider each of the following areas of your life.

  1. Physical Health (exercise, diet)
  2. Emotional Health (guilt, resentments, fear, anger, other negative emotions)
  3. Love Relationships
  4. Family Relationships (parents, siblings, in-laws)
  5. Relationships with friends
  6. Co-worker relationships
  7. Career
  8. Finances
  9. Spirituality

Discovering What You Want…

Vision BoardNow that you have listed out what you want to shed, now it’s time to get clear on what you want. This is your time to get clear on what it is you want that will support the new version of you, after your Dark Night of the Soul.

Have fun with this meditate for clarity and don’t rush this. This is your chance to paint the new picture of your life. This is your chance to embrace the new beliefs that you have about life and how you want to live it on your own terms.

Don’t let fear creep in. If  fear starts to creep in, thank it and send surround it with love and let it go. This is the time to allow yourself to go wild and let yourself out of any chains you may have previously put yourself into that have restrained your from creating the life of your dreams. Take each category from the list of things you want to shed and make sure to review all of them to embrace what you want new in your life. This is the time to Unleash your wild side and honor who you are and what will make you dance, sing and laugh through your days.

Create a Canvas

Using words and pictures create a canvas that sparks excitement in you and paints a picture of what you want from life. Again, unleash your wild side and let your inspired self come out to play. Here are 6 Free Pre-made Mind Movies that may also inspire you further!






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