Instantly Changing Your Beliefs

As the saying goes ‘What you think is what you create.’ Our minds are going a mile a minute with thoughts. Many of these thoughts are very unsupportive and negative. We judge everything we do, we think what if we had done it another way, or I should have done _____________. We worry about what others may think or how what we did an hour ago may affect the other people involved.

We then turn on the television or the radio and hear bad news. So then we begin thinking about how that bad news may affect us. We find out that there is a person who is attacking women around our age and senselessly killing them, so we begin to fear that we will be their next victim. Although, we may not become their next victim we probably will have some negative experience because of putting our focus on that fear.

We want to think positive thoughts and we want to change our beliefs and change our focus, but with everything happening so fast when do we have time to even focus on that change. People tell us it takes 21 days to change a belief, some even say it takes 63 or 7 times 70, etc. Well, I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be that way. If you want to change your beliefs and have a more positive experience I suggest you start by changing whatever you belief is about how long it takes to change a belief.

Following is a step-by-step process that takes 21 days to change whatever your belief is about making changes. I know 21 days is a long time, yet 21 days once is better than 21 days every time you find yourself thinking negative thoughts. Once you complete this 21 day process you will find that you only have to do one session when you find yourself slipping into negative thinking to change that negative thinking pattern.

If you have my book you already have the process for Belief Transformation to change a belief in one session.



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Here are the steps to start changing your beliefs and transforming your life!

You will find a list of affirmations below to be done following the process below:
  1. Review the beliefs and reword them to be in your own words.
  2. Be sure that all of your wording is written as positive statements as follows:
      1. The letters ‘un’ or ‘non’,or other such prefixes are negative words and should not be used. The subconscious only hears the positive words and eliminates the negative portion of the word. For example we are continually talking about having unconditional love for ourselves and others. The subconscious, dismisses the negative portion of the word and hears it as conditional love. Instead of saying I love my self unconditionally, say I love myself totally and completely.
      2. Eliminate the use of suffixes that are not positive or that switch the meaning of a negative word to what seems positive. For example the word effortlessly, causes the subconscious to focus on effort. Instead say with ease and grace. Or Money comes to me easily and effortlessly, can be changed to money comes to me with ease and grace or money comes to me easily and frequently.
      3. Take a moment to feel and sense the difference between the negative and positive affirmation in the step above. As you notice how that feels you can use that feeling to check whatever statements you are writing out to determine if they feel positive or negative.
  3. You’ll find that the affirmations below are repeated with only a slight change in the lead wording, such as I desire, I deserve and I am able to or something similar is to build a bridge.
    1. It is like taking baby steps in our beliefs. We cannot learn to run before we learn to crawl, stand up, walk, jog and then run.
    2. It is the same with affirmations. If you don’t believe it is ok for you to desire to love yourself (I’m talking at a cellular or subconscious level here not at the logic level), then how can you possibly believe that you deserve to love yourself or that you do love yourself?
  4. Once you have a completed list of affirmations from the lists below that work for you, in your own words you will need to do the following steps twice per day, for 21 days.ChakraOpening&BalancingFront
    1. Open your Chakra’s by looking at the image so that you connect with it, then hold it with the image facing toward your skin in your non-dominant hand until
      you feel open (usually within a few seconds). Trust you intuition on this. If you have not printed this report with the image, you can hold your hand with the palm near but not touching the monitor to get the same effect. Also, I suggest that you use this symbol as often as you feel drawn to do so throughout your day.
    2. Write each affirmation with a red pen
    3. Stand in front of a mirror with the list of affirmations in your hand
    4. Read the first affirmation to yourself.
    5. Stare into the pupil of your left eye with both eyes and repeat the affirmation out loud until it feels true to you. You need to be able to say affirmation without stumbling on the words. Most people start out the first few days saying the affirmation between 5-8 times. After the first few days you will find that the number of times you say the affirmations will decrease.
    6. Read the next affirmation to yourself.
    7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 until you have completed each affirmation.
  5. Please note that while you are looking in the mirror you may see your face change many different times. You may see your face become older, etc. The experience is different for each person. Just know that this is normal.

New beliefs to support instantaneous change in beliefs and thoughts

  1. I desire to create changes in my core beliefs instantaneously
  2. I deserve to instantaneously change my core beliefs
  3. I am able to instantaneously change my core beliefs
  4. I instantaneously change my core beliefs
  5. _________(Your Name) you easily change your core beliefs
  6. _________(Your Name) I easily change my core beliefs
  7. _________(Your Name) you instantaneously change your core beliefs
  8. _________(Your Name) I instantaneously change my core beliefs
  9. _________(Your Name) you spontaneously change your core beliefs
  10. _________(Your Name) I spontaneously change my core beliefs
  11. I desire to create changes in my subconscious beliefs instantaneously
  12. I deserve to instantaneously change my subconscious beliefs
  13. I am able to instantaneously change my subconscious beliefs
  14. I instantaneously change my subconscious beliefs
  15. _________(Your Name) you easily change your subconscious beliefs
  16. _________(Your Name) I easily change my subconscious beliefs
  17. _________(Your Name) you instantaneously change your subconscious beliefs
  18. _________(Your Name) I instantaneously change my subconscious beliefs
  19. _________(Your Name) you spontaneously change your subconscious beliefs
  20. _________(Your Name) I spontaneously my subconscious beliefs
  21. It is easy for me to make positive change instantly
  22. I make positive changes instantaneously
  23. I make positive changes spontaneously
  24. _________(Your name) you make positive change instantaneously
  25. _________(Your name) making instant change is easy
  26. Change is Good
  27. Change is Necessary
  28. Change Produces Results
  29. I move forward every time I make a positive change in my life
  30. ________(Your name) you are growing every day with every positive change you make
  31. ________(Your name) you create new and higher possibilities with each positive change
  32. ________(Your name) you move closer to your highest possibility with each positive change
  33. ________(Your name) you move closer to your highest aspirations with each positive change
  34. ________(Your name) I am growing every day with every positive change I make
  35. ________(Your name) I create new and higher possibilities with each positive change
  36. ________(Your name) I move closer to my highest possibility with each positive change
  37. ________(Your name) I move closer to my highest aspirations with each positive change

Print the Instantly Changing Your Beliefs Report Here!

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