United Healing

energy healingIn commemoration of the people who lost their lives 15 years ago, I am reminded just how important it is for us to all heal our own wounds.

To honor those who lost their life in the events of September 11, 2001 and the victims of terrorist attacks around the world, now is your chance to start the healing process. You see it takes each and every one of us to heal our own wounds to stop the hatred and begin to create more peace within. It’s easy to be angry with the people who commit these crimes and easy to justify our anger and hatred. Yet, the cycle can only end if you are willing to let go of the anger and forgive the perpetrators.

When I was 27 years old a man I was dating beat me, forced me to have sex with him and stabbed me with one of my kitchen knives. It was the worst day of my life and for the longest time I was angry and hated him for what he had done to me. What happened after that was I attracted another abusive relationship, in which the man was a police officer. We had a fight and he went for his gun with the intent to kill me and then kill himself. Fortunately, I was able to run out of the house, barefoot in the middle of winter, get in my car and drive away before he could get to his gun. It took me more than a week to get the city to get him out of my home and that’s only because something inside of me decided to take back my power, stop being angry and start the healing process.

Starting the Healing Process

The healing process that I went through after that second event took a long time, yet it changed my life entirely. Over time, I’ve changed the types of people  that I attract into my life, because I changed who I am and how I feel about myself. I healed my anger not just with these men, but my anger with myself for getting into those relationships and for allowing people to be abusive to me and especially for the abuse I have done to myself. I discovered the power of forgiveness and in that process discovered that the most important person to forgive is myself.

You see whether you witness a terrorist attack from afar or you are a victim in the attacks, you are negatively affected by these events. As Dr. Hew Lin says, anything you experience is because you need to heal something within yourself. Dr Len does this clearing using Ho’oponopono. I find the use of Ho’oponopono to be a fast way for me to clear negative feelings quickly. I use a slightly modified version of the statements, as follows:

  • I Love You
  • I’m Sorry
  • Please Forgive Me
  • Thank You
  • I Forgive You
  • I love You

By repeating these statements 108 times in a row, with feeling, you will be able to very quickly let go of anger and move back into a peaceful state. In fact, if you find yourself in conflict with anyone and want to clear the conflict, take a break from the other person, and do Ho’oponopono. When you return you’ll find it much easier to resolve the conflict with the other person.

Another way to clear conflict, is to open your heart (you can do this about 20 seconds with the Heart Chakra Krystagraph) and fill the room with love energy. You’ll discover that conflict cannot live in a space filled with love.

I’d love to know your thoughts on forgiving people who have committed serious crimes and how you handle your feelings around these issues.

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