Fastest, Easiest & Best Method of Soul Retrieval that I've experienced.

The best book I've read about why it's important to be Selfish - in a Good Way!

My favorite book that explains why we attract the people and events in our lives that we do.

A must read if you truly want to learn to live in the Present Moment!


An awesome book
that connects consciousness, spirituality and science.

An interesting book about the body's need for water.  The author speaks about the many things that can be cured by simply drinking enough water

The tie between obesity, cancer, depression and dehydraion

A powerful book with the keys for everyday challenges.


Join me Every Wednesday Evening
at 9pm Eastern - For a
Full Hour of Interactive Discussions
"Energy Healing and the Power of Self-Healing"


For More Information  

Email Krystalya at the email address below


 Phone: 1-877-Symbol8 (877-796-2658)


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